Information Technology
All Logan University students are provided an email account through Office 365. Students are advised to check email regularly, since official communication is sent via email. Logan also provides high-capacity WiFi throughout Logan’s campus and at the remote clinic locations. Students may use their Logan email address and password to connect devices.
In addition, all current Logan students are provided with licenses for Microsoft Office for the iPad and for Mac/Windows during their time as students. Please visit the Information Technology department for details about accessing these free resources. Office 365 also provides 1 TB of online storage for files, photos, videos, notes, presentations, etc., and enables students to share documents with other Logan students.
Click here to download the Technology Requirements for the College of Health Sciences.
Click here to download the iPad Requirements for the College of Chiropractic.
Need Technology Support?
You can get help with Logan’s technology resources by calling or emailing the Information Technology Department or the Academic Technology Department during normal business hours (7:00am CDT to 5:00pm CDT, Mon-Fri).
IT Services
For help with Information Technology issues like problems logging into email, printing, or accessing Logan’s network.
- Visit the Logan University Help Desk
- Call the IT Help Desk at: 636-207-2475 or
- Email the IT Help Desk at:
AT Services
For help with Academic Technology issues like problems with the technology in a classroom, Canvas, or ExamSoft.
- Call the AT department at: 636-230-1779 or
- Email the AT department at:
Logan Email
Canvas is Logan University’s cloud-based Learning Management System, designed to facilitate the delivery of a variety of course materials, resources and media-rich content online. All Canvas course sites are password-protected, limiting access to the course materials to only the instructor and students registered for the course. Canvas offers many learning management features including a secure gradebook, discussion forum, messaging and a ‘Speedgrader’ function allowing users to electronically post assignments or tests, and access them for grading.
Logan's Emergency Notification System
Logan’s emergency notification system has been designed to enhance and improve communication for all members of the Logan community in the event of a campus emergency. Incoming students are automatically enrolled in the e2Campus emergency notification system. The system will only send information about emergency conditions, weather cancellations and delays. No advertising will be sent, and your contact information will not be shared with or sold to third parties.
Users can manage their contact information and messaging preferences with e2Campus. Alerts are delivered via any combination of text message, telephone and email.
Tipsheets, Policies and Forms
The following documents provide guidance on using the technology resources available at Logan.
- Acceptable Use Policy: The acceptable use policy outlines the expectations for all users of Logan’s technology resources.
- Setting Up Logan Email on Your Mobile Device: instructions on how to set up your email on your mobile device.
- Self-Service Student Tip Sheet: instructions on how to navigate and use Logan’s Self-Service.
IT Frequently Asked Questions
All current students, faculty and staff are provided with Logan email accounts. Official communication is conducted on a regular basis through these accounts, so please check your email frequently. Students will receive important messages from the Office of Student Affairs, Office of Financial Aid, Office of the Registrar and other departments.
To login to email you will need to enter:
-Your email address as the username (
-Your current password
Setting up Logan Email on an Apple Mobile Device
1 Go into Settings
2. Choose “Accounts & Passwords”
3. Choose “Add Account”
4. Choose “Exchange”
5. Enter your Logan email address and a description then tap “Next”.
6. Tap “Sign In” on the pop up you receive.
7. Enter your password on the Microsoft authentication page and tap “Sign in”.
8. If you receive checkmarks indicating success, tap save to complete the setup. If not, continue to step 9.
9. Enter the server:
10. Leave the Domain Field Blank
11. Enter your Email Address for Username: (example:
12. Press the “Next” button
13. You should receive checkmarks indicating success, tap save to complete setup.
14. Exit the Settings on your iPhone
15. Open the Mail app to see your Logan email account
Setting up Logan Email on an Android Mobile Device
Note: The steps listed below may be different for each manufacturer.
1. Go into Settings
2. Select “Accounts”
3. Select “Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync”
4. Enter your Logan email address and password
5. Select “Manual Setup” if available. If not, select “Next”
6. Server is:
7. Domain\Username is your email address (example:
8. Press the “Next” button to create your account
9. If prompted with “Remote Security Administration” tap Ok
10. Exit the settings
11. Open Mail to see your Logan email account
Logan’s Self Serve Portal allows students 24/7 access to academic data, grades, attendance, billing information, course catalog listings, etc. Faculty use Self Serve to make course materials (syllabi, lecture notes, study guides, etc.) available to their students.
Logan’s emergency notification system is used to quickly communicate with all members of the Logan community in the event of a campus emergency or weather-related closing. The system is only used to send information about emergency conditions and weather cancellations or delays to the schedule. No advertising or other campus communication will be sent, and your contact information will not be shared with or sold to third parties.
Incoming students are automatically enrolled to receive email alerts at their Logan email address from the emergency notification system. Any student can log in to the system to setup additional alerts via a combination of text message, telephone and email. Users can manage their contact information and messaging preferences by logging in here. To edit your account preferences, log into the system using your Logan email address and Logan password.
Logan offers wireless Internet access throughout the campus including in all of our classrooms and clinics. Students can connect to the “Logan” Wi-Fi network using their current email address and password. Once you are connected to the Logan wireless network, your access will continue until you change your password. The Logan-Guest network is available for vendors and other visitors to campus.
The George A. Goodman Library is located on the first floor of the Administration Building. The library includes computers with access to high-speed Internet, general and specialized academic software, printers, educational materials, library resources, and more.
The computer lab exists to support and enhance Logan’s educational mission, so priority use of the computers is given to students working on class projects, reports, and research. Students must follow Logan’s Acceptable Use Policy as agreed to in the admissions application and outlined in the Student Handbook.
As a current Logan University Student you have the ability to install a copy of Microsoft Office on up to 5 computers (PC or MAC). Once you have graduated or are no longer a current student, access to the applications are disabled. Please click here for detailed instructions.
Multi-function printing devices are strategically located around campus and in the Health Centers to allow students access to print/copy/scan functions. Wireless printing from mobile devices and laptops is also available when connected to the Logan Wi-Fi network. Students can use their Logan ID card, a PIN code, Student ID or their email address and password to access the printing devices and release their print jobs.
Click your device type below for instructions on how to print wirelessly.
Important: Make sure your device is connected to the Logan Wi-Fi network before you proceed. The printer name you will connect to is: Follow_Me. Your PaperCut username/password is your Logan email address and password.
As a current student you have the ability to install Office for iPad apps on up to 5 devices. Once you have graduated or are no longer a current student, access to the applications will be disabled. To download the apps go to the App store from your device and search for each individual app: “Word”, “Excel”, “PowerPoint”, “Outlook”, “One Note”. The apps are free to install but will require your Logan email address and password to use.
For support with any of Logan’s technology services please call or email the help desk at 636-207-2475 or
Logan’s IT Department recommends the website for information and resources on how to handle situations where personal information has been or is thought to be stolen. If you think your Logan password has been compromised, please contact our Help Desk at 636-207-2475 or and someone will assist you.
OneDrive for Business - Frequently Asked Questions
OneDrive is useful for accessing your data from anywhere you have an internet connection as well as from various mobile devices. OneDrive offers 1TB of storage per user as well as real-time collaboration.
To access your OneDrive account, go to and sign-in with your Logan email address and password. Once you sign-in, click the Apps button in the upper left hand corner and select OneDrive. This is your document depository. The first time you login, it may take a few minutes to setup your account.
OneDrive is an off-premise cloud-based solution. What that means is that your files are stored in a data center off-campus. While the University has a signed Business Associates Agreement (BAA) with Microsoft, you need to be cautious about putting sensitive data in the cloud. If you have the need to share sensitive data, talk to your supervisor and turn on auditing. This will give you (and the University) a way to track what happened if there is a problem. A better solution would be to use your network drive, but if you must share sensitive data, auditing will give you an added layer of protection.
To turn auditing on, go to the “gear” icon (upper right hand corner) and select Site Settings. Under Site Collection Administration, go to Site Collection Audit Settings and specify which things to audit. ITS recommends you check all of the boxes under “Documents and Items” and “Lists, Libraries, and Sites.”
After logging into OneDrive, select “New” and then select “Folder.”
Log onto your account and click the Apps button in the upper left hand corner then select OneDrive. Drag and drop files into the specified area or click “Upload” and browse for the files you would like to upload.
To share a file, click on the three dots next to the folder name (…) or click on the “lock” symbol. Select “Invite Others”. To invite a user, type in the user’s last name and select from the directory. You can only share files with other Logan students, faculty and staff.
To share a folder, click on the three dots next to the folder name (…) or click on the “lock” symbol. Select “Share or Invite Others”. To invite a user, type in the user’s last name and select from the directory.
Highlight the file name and select the “group” symbol (looks like three users). You can see who you have shared a file with from here. You can also click the three dots next to the file name and it will open up the “Share with” section.
Yes, OneDrive can do real-time online collaboration. You have to open the document in Office Web Apps. In the upper right hand corner, you will see when someone is also editing the file. You will see a flag while the other person is typing.
Yes, you can create a new document by clicking “New” and then selecting the type of document you want to create. It will automatically use Office Web Apps to create the document. You can switch to using your “full” Office application (e.g. Word) by going to the File menu and click on “open in Word”. This will give you the full functionality of your local Office apps.
VIDEO – How Do I Create a New Document?
VIDEO – How Do I Edit a Document Online?
When you delete a file, it goes into the recycle bin for 90 days. After 90 days, it gets deleted permanently. To get a file back from the recycle bin, go to the “gear” in the upper right hand corner and select “Site Contents”. The recycle bin is on the right. You may restore a file from there or permanently delete a file.
There is a OneDrive for Business App for both iOS and Android.
Once you start the app it will ask you for credentials. Use the following format as your user name: For your password use your Email/Self-Serve password.